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The GVS brings together volatility and tail hedge managers, institutional investors, thought-provoking speakers, and other industry experts to discuss the volatility markets and the roles volatility strategies can play in institutional investment portfolios. The GVS aims to keep investors updated on the volatility markets throughout the year, and educated on innovations within the space. Capstone Investment Advisors has provided the latest piece in the GVS newsletter series.

Graham Capital Management

Challenges And Opportunities For Risk Assets

May 2024

Despite a few setbacks on the inflation front, the US economy continues to march along a path of benign conditions for risk assets and investment styles that typically flourish in low-vol, risk-on environments. However, navigating these seemingly favorable conditions requires a nuanced understanding of both the macroeconomic landscape and potential tail risks.

Graham Capital Management

Global Macro

April 2024

In the alternative investment industry, few strategies capture the breadth and complexity of global markets quite like global macro investing. At its core, global macro is not merely a single investment approach but a comprehensive strategy that seeks to capitalize on broad economic trends and geopolitical developments across the globe. With a focus on understanding and predicting macroeconomic variables such as interest rates, fluctuations in currencies, commodities, credit and equities, along with geopolitical events, global macro managers aim to generate returns by strategically positioning their portfolios to profit from both anticipated and unforeseen shifts in the global landscape. Global macro has demonstrated its ability to perform independently from other asset classes and withstand shifting market dynamics, making it an integral component of a well-diversified portfolio. In this primer, we’ll explore this strategyโ€™s fundamental principles, key performance and investment characteristics, and the role global macro can play in building more resilient investment portfolios.


Capturing Unpredictability - Trend Following Alpha

February 2024

In this paper we explore whether it is time to move on from the โ€œCrisis Alphaโ€ label for trend-following strategies, and instead think of them in terms of โ€œUnpredictability Alpha.”


QIS - a Viable Alternative to Volatility Hedge Funds?

August 2023

The wide range of quantitative investment strategies (โ€œQISโ€) fosters competition within volatility investing. We look at the performance of these sell-side products. Not surprisingly, they show great similarity to the buy-side, as know-how travels through the industry. We argue in favor of the QIS suite when targeting a specific risk factor exposure, but favor established funds when it comes to a strategic volatility allocation.


Costless Collar and Equity Hedging vs Tail Risk Hedging

April 2023

Costless Collars are a popular equity hedging strategy, which appeals to investors by its simplicity and a promise of a free lunch: the portfolio appears to be protected and there are no initial cash outlays. In this note we evaluate this hedging approach and offer investors a framework to evaluate costless collars in 2023.


Daily Options

June 2023

With the EURO STOXX 50ยฎ options series (OEXP), market participants can access a range of short-dated options, providing increased flexibility to trade and hedge short-term market fluctuations…


The Fruits of a Diversified Approach

TREND FOLLOWING โ€ข August 2023

Why would anyone want to hold positions through a CTA trend program, when they can have the same positions through investments with more specialized managers instead?



May 4, 2023

In an environment of increased regulatory scrutiny and fierce competition, Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) is increasingly important to help firms measure how effectively portfolio orders are being executed. In the derivative space, the TCA concept is fairly new. Due to the nature of a derivative, which is tied to an underlying asset, simple equity style arrival time TCA metrics are not appropriate and often give spurious answers…


Modernizing the Diversification Toolkit: Allocating to Defensive Alternatives


Weโ€™ve seen increased interest in risk mitigation solutions that combine multiple alternative strategies in an effort to enhance portfolio diversification. Weโ€™ve partnered with Paul Murray, an allocator with experience in implementing defensive alternatives for the Future Fund
and the Victorian Funds Management Corporation in Australia, to share his insights, along with PIMCOโ€™s perspectives from our partnerships with some of the most sophisticated institutions globally…

Societe Generale

Insights Digital Hub

Insight Series โ€ข July 2023

Inโ€“depth insight to navigate complex markets…

Graham Capital Management

The Benefits of Non-Correlated Alpha

Insight Series โ€ข January 2023

In 2022, 60/40 portfolios suffered as both stocks and bonds sold off and the power of bonds as a diversifier (and, accordingly, a means of reducing portfolio volatility) deteriorated.  Meanwhile, inflation exacerbated the issue and eroded real returns.  These challenges indicate an increased need for alternatives that offer both diversification to equities and bonds as well as compelling long-term returns…

True Partner Capital

Are we near the top of the escalator?

Chicago/Hong Kong โ€ข June 2023

Despite the headwinds of continued rate hikes and growing recession fears, equity markets have risen strongly in 2023 year to date. At the same time, implied volatility has compressed to levels well below long-term averages in major indices such as S&P 500 and the Euro Stoxx 50. In this article, we assess the rally, what may be coming next and how investors can position for different scenarios…

The GVS is continuously committed to keeping investors updated on the volatility markets throughout the year and educated on innovations within the space. Managers and industry experts across the volatility, derivative, and quantitative space will contribute brief, thought-provoking market updates, which we hope you find insightful.


These materials are provided by conference participants for informational purposes only and should neither be construed as investment advice nor an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy any security. You understand that the material made available via this website are the works of individual authors, has been posted with the permission of the conference participant, and does not necessarily represent the views of Summit. No representation or warranty is made concerning the accuracy of any data compiled herein. Summit does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.

Volatility Premiums Are Currently at the All-Time Highs

In the chart below we show the 15-year percentile of various premiums across several asset classes (as of August 2021). Earnings, bond and credit yields are at their 15-year lows. Equity volatility premiums (IV-RV, Term Structure, Skew), on the other hand, are in the 90th percentile. This may be the right time to take a closer look at the equity volatility premiums and their added value in a balanced portfolio.

Volatility Premiums Are Currently at the All-Time Highs

Risk Perception has Changed Post-COVID Market Crash

Markets are well on their way to posting another record year and the Covid crash now looks like a blip, albeit a big one, in the unstoppable rally. But is there more to this than meets the eye? We plotted the worst S&P500 daily returns from January to August 2019 versus the daily changes in the VIX and compared this to the data from the same period in 2021. An elevated nervousness in the post-Covid era is clearly observable โ€“ the jumps in the VIX are higher on the days when the S&P500 is down. Some of the likely reasons for this change in the risk perception are not only related to the lingering memory of the Covid crash, but also due to the increasing concerns related to the withdrawal of the supply of liquidity and increasingly stretched equity valuations.

Change in risk perception?

Several commentators, including Cornerstone, are highlighting how cheaply investors can now put on one-week straddle trades, in which they buy 1-week at-the-money put and call options to position for a spot move in either direction. Given that the S&P 500โ€™s five-day high-low range has recently been above 4%, as the second chart shows, a straddle that pays if the market moves more than 1.1% in either direction over a five-day period looks like a decent proposition. However, context matters here. This is a big week for S&P 500 quarterlies and the data show that the average move in the index has not been large during recent earnings weeks. On paper, then, the straddle may not be as cheap as it looks. However, for investors who have a high conviction viewpoint on earnings news, macro developments, or even the unfolding story of the Delta variant, positioning for these via a straddle is relatively inexpensive, especially if they are prepared to trade the intraday moves.

One-week straddle costs in the S&P have dipped to 1.1%

 Source: Cornerstone Macro

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References to Indices: The S&P 500ยฎ is regarded as a gauge of large-cap U.S. equities and serves as the foundation for a wide range of investment products. The index includes 500 companies and captures approximately 80% coverage of available market capitalization.

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Harold de Boer

Managing Director, Head of R&D


Harold is the architect of Transtrend’s Diversified Trend Program, responsible for R&D, portfolio management and trading. Harold was born and raised on a dairy farm in Drenthe. And from a young age, he has been intrigued by linking mathematics to the real world around us.

He graduated in 1990 with a Masterโ€™s degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Twente in the Netherlands. In the final phase of his studies, while working on the project that would later become Transtrend, he became fascinated by the concept of leptokurtosis โ€” or โ€˜fat tailsโ€™ โ€” in probability distributions, a topic which has inspired him throughout his career.  

Haroldโ€™s approach to markets is best described as a combination of a farmerโ€™s common sense and mathematics, never losing sight of the underlying fundamentals.